HIGH HOLIDAY MOVIE BONUS EPISODE with Daniel Zana from the Jews on Film podcast!

“We are all characters in our stories, and we have to look internally, and hopefully at the end of 90 minutes we’ll become a better person. But sometimes the characters don’t change, and you’re just like, ‘Oh, you were offered the opportunity to grow and learn from your experiences, and instead you’re still being the same turd you started out as.’ ”

Bonus episode! I've been wanting to interview the awesome Daniel Zana for a while because I'm such a huge fan of the Jews on Film podcast he cohosts with Harry Ottensoser. There are so many different kinds of Jews, and so many ways of connecting with Jewish identity and tradition, and art is such a prominent and useful channel for connection and openings to new (or long-hidden) feelings and ideas. So I asked Daniel to give some thought to a few movies people might enjoy and engage with during this Highest of Holiday months. He digs up some great recs from the Jews on Film archives (feel free to pause and check out relevant eps!) and hits all the right notes. You'll laugh, cry, think, and feel! No spoilers!

Shana tova umetuka goodness & sweetness this year!

Jews on Film Podcast:


Jews on Film Links:
